APTAPB Research // Private Client Studies
Identifying the origins of ROZ resources has become an important building block for consideration of the full spectrum of oil resource estimates for the various regions around the world. Furthermore, understanding the reservoir, oil and water characteristics along with the distribution of the ROZ resources has emerged now to be a growing new frontier in oil extraction. We also believe exploitation of ROZ resources will ultimately be categorized as a revolutionary development when the economics of the many on-going commercial EOR demonstrations are more widely known. The RPSEA and U.S. Department of Energy projects are the fundamental keys for understanding the magnitude of these, heretofore generally overlooked and unbooked, resources.
The RPSEA research is proving fundamental to the identification of the ROZ science and distributions while the DOE work will provide one key avenue for confirming and quantifying the commerciality and expected recovery factors of the ROZ resources.
APTA itself and APTA personnel individually are engaged with several private clients that are interested in a better understanding of their potential ROZ resources both within the San Andres formation of the Permian Basin (PB), other PB formations, and in other regions of the U.S. and world. There are numerous features of a ROZ to consider when doing a resource assessment and APTA is uniquely qualified to assist in those assessments.
2017 CO2 & ROZ School
Recent Posts
- Residual Oil Zone Interview 1: Intro with Steve Melzer
- Residual Oil Zone Interview 2 : Vello Kuuskraa
- Residual Oil Zones Interview 3: David Mohrbacher EOR and IOR in Wyoming
- Residual Oil Zone Interview 4: Steve Melzer- CO2 EOR in the Permian Basin
- DOE/National Energy Technology Laboratory – Next Generation ROZ Study (Goldsmith Field)